Udo Jingu Shrine
Udo Jingu, also affectionately called “Udo-san,” by locals is one of the most famous shrines in Miyazaki Prefecture.
This striking shrine features a vivid crimson pavilion inside a cave on the tip of Point Udozaki, stretching out into the Pacific.
The rolling waves of the ocean crashing onto the unique shapes of rocks and reefs amplify the beauty of this setting.
Visitors can throw “Undama” clay balls to make a wish. Men traditionally throw with their left hand, and women with their right. If the Undama lands inside the concave referred to as the “Masugata” on the Kameishi rock, legend says that your wish will come true.
Visit and try your luck!
Shan Shan Uma
The “Shan Shan Uma Dochu-uta National Competition” is held every March. But, what exactly is the history of the Shan Shan Uma?
Up until the early Taisho period, the people of Miyazaki practiced the tradition of visiting Udo Jingu when they married.
The newlyweds would travel the “Nanaura Nanatouge” path along the tortuous coastline and across mountains in the traditional travel wear of hand-wrist covering, gaiters, and straw sandals to worship.
The name of this tradition comes from the sound of the bells attached to a beautifully decorated horse mounted by the bride and steered by the groom.
Udo-san’s “Hacchouzaka”
Known as the route of worship for Udo-san, this stone staircase stretches 800 meters (the namesake for “hacchou”) from Fukei Port to the entrance of the shrine.
There are 438 steps up and 277 down from the Fukei side, for a total of 715. It is said that a nun carried stones on her head up from the beach in order to build the stairs.
Udo: A Nationally Designated Place of Scenic Beauty
Known as “Udo” under the designation as a Place of Scenic Beauty, this covers all of Udo-Jingu Shrine as well as the neighboring Udozaki area and the adjacent sea.
What exactly is a “Place of Scenic Beauty”?
Under the National Act on Protection of Cultural Properties, the national government thus designates, selects, and registers the most important cultural properties, which includes Places of Scenic Beauty.
Gardens, bridges, valleys, beaches, mountains, and other scenic spots in Japan are considered to be of places of great value in terms of beauty, and deserving of national appreciation.Regarding the designation criteria and definition for Natural Monuments of Special Historic Sites, Special Places of Scenic Beauty, Natural Monuments of Historic Sites, and Places of Scenic Beauty.
The incredible beauty of Japan is an indispensable attribute of the country. Concerning the designation of natural monuments, the criteria for them is the beauty of the monument’s scenery, its historic fame or academic value, as well as its artistic value from a humanities perspective.
3232 Miyaura, Nichinan-shi, Miyazaki